A1 Non Combustible Fire-Rated Ductwork

In the aftermath of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire, the government initiated an independent review of Building Regulations and fire safety. As a result of the recommendations from the review, regulations were swiftly amended to prohibit the use of combustible materials in the external walls of relevant buildings exceeding 18m in height (11m in Scotland)

Since December 2018, all materials or products employed in the external walls of multi-storey buildings with one or more dwellings must adhere to non-combustible European fire classification A1 or A2-s1, d0 standards. This requirement encompasses various components within the wall structure, such as external grilles, air bricks, MVHR and extract ducting (until clear of the internal plasterboard), and cavity weep hole ducts.0

Since 2018, DuctFix has manufactured bespoke ductwork plenum adaptors to service this industry tailored to developers of high-rise buildings

Architects Detail
Working from architects details...
Production Drawings
...we produce a production drawing for your approval...
A1 Plenums
...to bespoke manufactured A1 plenums for your project

Contact DucFix on 0121 559 1233 or sales@ductfix.co.uk for prices and availability